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Rubik 39;s Cube Solver 5x5 NEW!


How to Solve a Rubik's Cube Solver 5x5

A rubik's cube solver 5x5, also known as a Professor's Cube, is a twisty puzzle that has five squares on each face and a total of 98 movable pieces. It is one of the most difficult cubes to solve, as it has about 283 trevigintillion (10^75) possible combinations. However, with some patience and practice, you can learn how to solve it using a method called reduction.

Reduction is a method that involves solving the center pieces and edge pieces first, then solving the rest of the cube like a normal 3x3 cube. In this article, we will show you step by step how to use this method and provide some helpful tips along the way.

rubik 39;s cube solver 5x5

Solving the Center Pieces

The first step is to solve the center pieces, which are the groups of 25 squares of the same color on each face. There are six centers in total, and each one has a fixed position on the cube. You can start with any center you want, but we recommend starting with white for simplicity.

First Center

To solve the first center, you need to make three bars of five squares of the same color, and join them together. Here's how:

  • Make the middle center bar by finding five white squares in the middle layer and aligning them horizontally.

  • Make an outer bar by finding four white squares in any layer and aligning them vertically next to an empty space.

  • Move this bar to the top layer by doing a slice move (a move that turns two layers at once), then do U2 (two quarter turns of the upper layer) to move it away from the middle bar.

  • Restore the middle layer by doing another slice move in the opposite direction.

  • Repeat these steps to make another outer bar and join it with the middle bar on the top layer.

  • Move this completed center to any face by doing x2 (two quarter turns of the whole cube around the x-axis).

When you are done, one center should be solved.

Second Center

To solve the second center, you need to make another center without breaking the first one. You can choose any color that is opposite to the first one, but we recommend choosing yellow for consistency. Here's how:

  • Make the middle center bar by finding five yellow squares in the top layer and aligning them horizontally.

  • Make an outer bar by finding four yellow squares in any layer and aligning them vertically next to an empty space.

  • Move this bar to the bottom layer by doing a slice move, then do U2 to move it away from the middle bar.

  • Restore the top layer by doing another slice move in the opposite direction.

  • Repeat these steps to make another outer bar and join it with the middle bar on the bottom layer.

  • Move this completed center to the opposite face of the first one by doing x2.

When you are done, two centers should be solved.

Last Four Centers

To solve the last four centers, you need to use slice moves and U2 moves to swap pieces and form bars. You can solve them in any order, but we recommend following this sequence: green, red, blue, orange. Here's how:

  • Find two green squares that are adjacent to each other in the middle layer and align them horizontally.

  • Find another green square in any layer and align it vertically above or below the previous two squares.

  • Do a slice move to bring this square next to the other two, forming a bar of three squares.

  • Do U2 to move this bar away from the center.

  • Restore the middle layer by doing another slice move in the opposite direction.

  • Repeat these steps to make another bar of three squares and join it with the previous one on the top or bottom layer, forming a center of six squares.

  • Find two more green squares that are adjacent to each other in any layer and align them horizontally next to an empty space.

  • Do a slice move to bring them next to the center of six squares, forming a bar of five squares.

  • Do U2 to move this bar away from the center.

  • Restore the previous layer by doing another slice move in the opposite direction.

  • Repeat these steps to make another bar of five squares and join it with the previous one on the top or bottom layer, completing the green center.

  • Move this center to any unsolved face by doing x2 or y2 (two quarter turns of the whole cube around the y-axis).

Sometimes, you may encounter hard cases where you cannot find matching squares or form bars easily. In these cases, you can use some tricks to create more possibilities:

  • If you have two matching squares in different layers, you can bring them together by doing a slice move, then U or D (a quarter turn of the upper or lower layer), then another slice move in the opposite direction.

  • If you have a bar of three squares that is not aligned with the center, you can align it by doing a slice move, then U2 or D2 (two quarter turns of the upper or lower layer), then another slice move in the opposite direction.

  • If you have a bar of five squares that is not aligned with the center, you can align it by doing a slice move, then U or D, then another slice move in the opposite direction, then U2 or D2, then another slice move in the same direction as before, then U or D in the opposite direction as before, then another slice move in the opposite direction as before.

Using these tricks, you should be able to solve all four centers. When you are done, all six centers should be solved.

Solving the Edge Pieces

The next step is to solve the edge pieces, which are the groups of two squares of different colors on each face. There are 24 edge pieces in total, and each one has a unique position on the cube. You can start with any edge you want, but we recommend starting with the white and green edge for simplicity.

Finding Matching Edges

To solve an edge, you need to find three edge pieces that have the same two colors, and put them in the middle layers. Here's how:

  • Find a white and green edge piece in any layer and move it to the middle layer by doing U, D, L, or R (a quarter turn of the left or right layer).

  • Find another white and green edge piece in any layer and move it to the opposite middle layer by doing U, D, L, or R.

  • Find the last white and green edge piece in any layer and move it to the same middle layer as the first one by doing U, D, L, or R.

When you are done, you should have three white and green edge pieces in the middle layers.

Joining Edges Together

To join the edge pieces together, you need to use slice moves and flip an edge if necessary. Here's how:

  • Align two of the edge pieces horizontally on the same face by doing U or D.

  • Do a slice move to bring them next to the third edge piece on the opposite face.

  • If the colors match, do U2 or D2 to join them together, forming a solved edge of five squares.

  • If the colors do not match, do a slice move in the opposite direction to separate them.

  • Flip one of the edge pieces by doing R U R' F R' F' R (a sequence of quarter turns that flips an edge on the right face).

  • Do a slice move to bring them next to the third edge piece again.

  • Do U2 or D2 to join them together, forming a solved edge of five squares.

When you are done, you should have a solved edge in one of the middle layers.

Moving Edges to the Top Layer

To move the solved edge to the top layer, you need to replace it with an unsolved edge and move it back down. Here's how:

  • Move the solved edge to the front face by doing U or D.

  • Do a slice move to bring it to the top layer.

  • Do U2 or D2 to replace it with an unsolved edge from the opposite face.

  • Do a slice move in the opposite direction to bring it back down.

When you are done, you should have a solved edge in the top layer and an unsolved edge in one of the middle layers.

Restoring the Centers

To restore all the centers, you need to do slice moves until they are all solved. Here's how:

  • Look at the top and bottom faces and see which centers are not solved.

  • If there are two centers that are not solved on opposite faces, do a slice move that affects both of them, then do U2 or D2, then do another slice move in the opposite direction.

  • If there are four centers that are not solved on adjacent faces, do a slice move that affects two of them, then do U or D, then do another slice move in the opposite direction, then do U or D in the opposite direction as before.

Repeat these steps until all six centers are solved. When you are done, you should have one solved edge in the top layer and all six centers in their correct positions.

Dealing with Parity Cases

Sometimes, you may encounter parity cases, which are situations where the edge pieces are not in their correct positions or orientations. Parity cases cannot occur on a normal 3x3 cube, but they can occur on a 5x5 cube because of the extra layers. Parity cases can be recognized by looking at the edge pieces and seeing if they form a pattern or not.

There are two types of parity cases: OLL parity and PLL parity. OLL parity is when the edge pieces are in their correct positions, but some of them are flipped. PLL parity is when the edge pieces are not in their correct positions, but none of them are flipped. Both types of parity can be solved by using a special algorithm, which is a sequence of moves that changes the cube in a specific way.

To solve OLL parity, you need to use this algorithm: Rw2 B2 U2 Lw U2 Rw' U2 Rw U2 F2 Rw F2 Lw' B2 Rw2. This algorithm will flip two edge pieces on the top layer. To use it, you need to hold the cube so that the two edge pieces that need to be flipped are on the front and right faces.

To solve PLL parity, you need to use this algorithm: Rw U2 x Rw U2 Rw U2 Rw' U2 Lw U2 Rw' U2 Rw U2 Rw' U2 Rw'. This algorithm will swap two edge pieces on the top layer. To use it, you need to hold the cube so that the two edge pieces that need to be swapped are on the front and back faces.

Using these algorithms, you should be able to solve any parity case. When you are done, you should have all 12 edges in their correct positions and orientations.

Solving Like a 3x3 Cube

The last step is to solve the rest of the cube like a normal 3x3 cube, using basic algorithms that you may already know. If you don't know how to solve a 3x3 cube, you can learn it from this [guide]. Here's how:

Applying Basic Algorithms

To solve the cube like a 3x3 cube, you need to use three types of algorithms: F2L, OLL, and PLL. F2L stands for First Two Layers, and it involves solving the corner and edge pieces of the first two layers at the same time. OLL stands for Orientation of the Last Layer, and it involves orienting all the pieces of the last layer so that they have the same color on top. PLL stands for Permutation of the Last Layer, and it involves permuting all the pieces of the last layer so that they are in their correct positions.

To apply F2L, you need to find pairs of corner and edge pieces that belong to the same face, and insert them into their correct slots using intuitive moves or algorithms. You can start with any face you want, but we recommend starting with white for simplicity. You should be able to solve four pairs of F2L without breaking any previous ones.

To apply OLL, you need to look at the top face and see what pattern it forms. There are 57 possible patterns for OLL, and each one has a corresponding algorithm that will orient all the pieces correctly. You can find a list of all the OLL algorithms [here]. You should be able to apply one OLL algorithm and get a yellow cross or a yellow face on top.

To apply PLL, you need to look at the top layer and see what pattern it forms. There are 21 possible patterns for PLL, and each one has a corresponding algorithm that will permute all the pieces correctly. You can find a list of all the PLL algorithms [here]. You should be able to apply one PLL algorithm and get a solved cube.

Avoiding PLL Parity

Before applying OLL, there is one thing you need to check: PLL parity. As we mentioned before, PLL parity is when the edge pieces are not in their correct positions, but none of them are flipped. If you apply OLL without checking for PLL parity, you may end up with an unsolvable case where only two edge pieces need to be swapped.

To avoid PLL parity, you need to look at the edge orientation before doing OLL. Edge orientation is whether an edge piece has its yellow sticker on top or not. If all four edge pieces have their yellow stickers on top or none of them do, then there is no PLL parity. If two edge pieces have their yellow stickers on top and the other two do not, or vice versa, then there is PLL parity. To fix PLL parity, you need to do this algorithm: Rw U2 x Rw U2 Rw U2 Rw' U2 Lw U2 Rw' U2 Rw U2 Rw' U2 Rw'. This algorithm will swap two edge pieces on the top layer and fix the parity. To use it, you need to hold the cube so that the two edge pieces that need to be swapped are on the front and back faces.

By checking and fixing PLL parity before doing OLL, you will avoid getting an unsolvable case and be able to solve the cube faster.


Congratulations, you have learned how to solve a rubik's cube solver 5x5 using the reduction method. This method involves solving the center pieces and edge pieces first, then solving the rest of the cube like a normal 3x3 cube. Along the way, you also learned how to deal with parity cases, which are situations where the edge pieces are not in their correct positions or orientations.

Solving a 5x5 cube can be challenging, but also rewarding and fun. With some practice and patience, you can master this puzzle and impress your friends and family. Here are some tips for improving your speed and efficiency:

  • Practice each step separately until you can do it without looking at a guide or memorizing algorithms.

  • Learn more algorithms for F2L, OLL, and PLL that can help you solve cases faster and easier.

  • Use finger tricks and wrist turns to execute moves smoothly and quickly.

  • Scramble the cube well before each solve to get different cases and avoid repetition.

  • Use a timer to track your progress and challenge yourself to beat your personal best.

We hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below. Happy cubing!


Here are some frequently asked questions related to the topic of rubik's cube solver 5x5:

Q: What is the world record for solving a 5x5 cube?

A: The current world record for solving a 5x5 cube is 32.77 seconds, set by Max Park from the United States in 2021.

Q: How many moves does it take to solve a 5x5 cube?

A: The exact number of moves required to solve a 5x5 cube depends on the scramble and the method used, but it is estimated that the average number of moves is around 150.

Q: What is the best 5x5 cube to buy?

A: There are many brands and models of 5x5 cubes available on the market, but some of the most popular and recommended ones are the MoYu AoChuang GTS M, the QiYi Valk 5 M, and the Gan 460 M. These cubes are known for their smooth turning, stability, and magnetic feel.

Q: How can I lubricate my 5x5 cube?

A: Lubricating your 5x5 cube can help reduce friction, improve speed, and prevent lock-ups. You can use special cube lubricants or household items such as silicone spray or vaseline. To lubricate your cube, you need to take apart some of the pieces and apply a small amount of lubricant on the core and the inner surfaces of the pieces. Then, reassemble the cube and do some turns to distribute the lubricant evenly.

Q: How can I customize my 5x5 cube?

A: Customizing your 5x5 cube can make it more comfortable and appealing to use. You can customize your cube by changing its stickers, tension, magnets, or shape. For example, you can replace the stickers with different colors or patterns, adjust the tension of the screws to make the cube looser or tighter, add or remove magnets to change the magnetic strength, or modify the shape of the pieces to create a different look. 44f88ac181

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